Welcome to
Arunai Breath

My name is Juliette. I have been and am a constant, curious student of my inner worlds. I am also a woman, a teacher, a qualified Conscious Connected Breathwork facilitator and a Mindfulness instructor.

For many years I have sought solutions to the traumatic events that life has brought my way. I longed for peace, joy and stability. I had experiences of what felt like my inner essence but, delightful as they were, these states always passed. I was always seeking a tool that could bring more transformation and stability, but I felt like something was stuck deep within and I couldn’t find the keys to unlock that door. Then I discovered Conscious Connected Breathwork and from that point on, there was no going back, only going through. I learned how to anchor into the present moment, to untangle stickiness, to let go, and to reclaim wholeness.

I learned that the present breath is the bridge that unifies our external and internal worlds, connecting our mind, body and spirit. Conscious Connected Breath brings us directly in touch with our embodied presence. It is the link between the conscious mind, subconscious mind and consciousness itself.

‘The Issues are in our Tissues’
Tara Brach

Who do I Support?

  • If you feel stuck and are ready for change, healing and integration
  • If you are ready and willing to dive deep into presence and to
    consciously anchor into your full capacity
  • If you long to turn your darkest shadows into awakenings, peace, wisdom
    and joy
  • If you are done with feeling trapped in repeating events and
    experiences and you know that it is time to release these patterns

Why choose
the name
Arunai Breath?

Arunai is one of the names for Arunachala which is a sacred hill in India. Its name means Hill of light. Arunai is a symbol of our deepest essence, and it is this essence which is our birthright. At our core, we contain all the spiritual wisdom, compassion and present moment awareness that we need.

In remembering Arunachala (Arunai),
I remember myself.


My role is to share essential strategies and hold space for you to bring light to your darkness to help you to reclaim power you already have. It is wholeness that becomes whole, awakening that becomes awakened, healing that becomes healed, and it is all there within you. You just need space held for you, learn the proven tools and embody the discipline needed for it to become realised.

‘What once served you can hinder you and
that which once kept you stuck can become
your portal for awakening’


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The breath is the bridge that links our external and internal worlds, and it can be a powerful somatic tool that assists in clearing emotional, physical and energetic blocks. It affects how we think, feel and move in life. Conscious Connected Breathing facilitates improved health, energetic balance and a greater, more open flow. It has an ‘entrainment effect’ in our electromagnetic field and will empower you to transform feelings, memories, thoughts, thought patterns, negative stories, narratives, and traumas (small or large). Breathwork will increase your conscious connection with and expansion into your deeper self. Unlocking a more natural, peaceful and more joyful state of being.

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Mindfulness meditation, along with compassion focused inquiry and action, can help us to cultivate to a more insightful, forgiving and caring relationship with ourselves and others. True meditation is returning to our heart space. Sinking deep inside ourselves and merging everything within the core of being will empower you to develop a greater sense of peace, clarity, and will promote physical,emotional and mental well-being.
